It failed. It all failed.
You don’t even know who you are. He’s gone. She’s never coming back. Was it yesterday? Or a year ago? How long have you been alone? The dreams are so real. You saw them. You were together again. You were whole. You were relaxed and warm. You forgot what it was to be worried and alone.
Then you woke up into the nightmare of your life and lost them all over again. There is no one in your body.
Welcome to rock bottom. This might sound sarcastic, but you are due congratulations. For codependents, rock bottom is the result of being honest with everyone, making your needs secondary, and sacrificing yourself to make others happy.
Instead of getting the same in return, your needs were forgotten. Then you were forgotten. You were emotionally abandoned by the people to whom you gave everything. Now there is nothing left, but you should celebrate! The loss of your old life means you now have room for a new one.
Curing codependency means putting yourself in the center of your universe. This is done by setting your priorities in the following order: mental and physical health, healthy boundaries, healthy tasks, and nurturing healthy relationships. This is health recovery: the recovery of your health.