Prioritizing Health

Codependency is secondary to your true nature.

Health is the foundation of your life. It determines how long you will live, what you are able to do in the meantime, and how you will feel along the way. It affects your mood, your strength, your decision-making, your tolerance for frustration, boredom, and stress, peace of mind, self-esteem, happiness, and life satisfaction.

The difference between function and dysfunction, order and disorder, mental health and mental disease, is whether a person can accept reality and temper their reactions to it. Reaction management and mental health are the same thing, and both are aided by exercise, a good diet, and good sleep hygiene.

Physical and mental health are not the same thing, but you cannot change one without affecting the other. This section could have been titled “Prioritize Health”, but for some that would begin and end with a vegan diet, and for others amount to nothing more than jogging sometimes.

Health consists of many parts, and all of them are built on a sturdy foundation of physical and mental health; an able body and an able mind, free from overwhelming stress. While a personal coach can give you a great, customized approach to your specific needs, the rules in the recovery tab pursue the rehabilitation model of identifying universal basics and nurturing them to ideal results.